cap screen mac

The Macintosh operating system has always made it easy to capture a screenshot (an image of your computer desktop or an active window). Here's a summary of all the methods you can use to capture your screen using Mac OS X. These screen capture methods

相關軟體 Screenshot Captor 下載

Screenshot Captor is designed for grabbing lots of screenshots with minimal intervention. It has great multi-monitor support and includes a full image explorer with full shell functionality. The app a...

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  • How to take a screenshot of a selected portion of your screen Press Shift-Command-4. The p...
    How to take a screenshot on your Mac - Apple Support ...
  • The Macintosh operating system has always made it easy to capture a screenshot (an image o...
    Capture a Screenshot With Mac OS X - is the ...
  • 無論是Windows新手還老手,對於鍵盤上的PrintScreen應該不感陌生, 當在Windows底下直接按下PrintScreen鍵,就可直接擷取全螢幕畫面,並貼到小畫家或其它...
    [MAC]Macbook在MACWin平台下使用PrintScreen擷取畫面|梅問題. ...
  • 如題... 我o係部MacBook Air 裝左window XP, 想cap 圖, 最原始o既方法, 就梗係print screen --> past...
    請問 MacBook Air 有無類似 "Print screen" 的button? ...
  • 螢幕截圖軟體除了最基本的螢幕擷取功能外,大多數的類似軟體都加上了簡易的編輯功能,硬大要跟大家推薦的 Free Screen Capture 不但擁有上述的基本功能,還有 Webca...
    免費螢幕截圖軟體強力首選:Free Screen Capture - 硬是要學
  • 想問下Macbook pro如何使用截圖功能?應該按那一些botton?因為我試過跟入面鍵盤果D設定試過幾次都吾得,吾知系咪我睇吾明系邊一個botton而按錯左,有無人知道Macb...
    有關於MACBOOK截圖一問 | Yahoo 知識+
  • How to take a screenshot on a Mac hold down command and shift and press # 3 = Your Mac cap...
    Mac - How to take a screenshot
  • Thanks Brian, I had tried to capture the screen, but files weren't on the desktop. Eve...
    Screen Capture on MacBook | Official Apple Support ...
  • 對於一個Windows 用家,要截圖只須按鍵盤上的「PrintScreen」即可。 Smart Chris 發現原來在Mac OS X電腦 screen cap,亦有簡單鍵盤快捷鍵...
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  • Mac OS X 編輯] 執行在Mac OS X下的Audacity的截圖。 在Mac OS X系統中,用戶可通過快 ... 另外,在KDE和GNOME中使用Print Scree...
    截圖 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書